
Nutritional benefits of chicken meat

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Nutritional benefits of chicken meat

When it comes to healthy and balanced food options, chicken is often considered a great choice. Rich in essential nutrients, it brings numerous benefits to overall health. Despite some myths about regular antibiotic administration, the reality is that the chicken industry pays close attention to animal welfare and uses antibiotics only in rare cases under veterinary supervision.

The nutritional composition of chicken meat
Chicken meat, especially from responsible producers, is an excellent source of high quality protein. They contain all nine essential amino acids needed for proper nutrition, thus contributing to the growth and repair of muscle tissue. In addition, chicken meat provides a rich range of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, niacin, phosphorus and zinc.

Antibiotic myth 
One of the myths surrounding chicken meat is associated with the regular administration of antibiotics, suggesting that they would be used as a kind of vaccine for chicken. In reality, farmers adopt responsible practices to prevent health problems in chickens, and antibiotics are only used in cases where a bacterial infection occurs and only under veterinary supervision. It is important to separate myth from reality and understand that responsible producers, such as Moraru Farms, are adopting safe practices to prevent the spread of disease.