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Pui de curte

Chicken wings

Icon Image Crescut tradițional în aer liber
Icon Image Pui de curte de rasă cu creștere lentă
Icon Image Hrănit cu boabe întregi de porumb
Icon Image Crescut tradițional minim 82 de zile
Icon Image Fără organisme modificate genetic
Icon Image Fără antibiotice
Icon Image Rasa Hubbard
Icon Image Carne de pui gustoasă și consistentă

Chickens are reared on the Ivănești farm in Vaslui, the only farm in Romania authorised to raise poultry in the "traditional free-range" system and which operates with renewable energy, being energy independent. These chickens are fed an all-vegetable feed containing whole grains of Romanian cereals and the birds come from a hardy breed with a colourful plumage and yellowish, unbleached skin. Poultry means a slow rearing period of a minimum of 82 days without the use of antibiotics. The number of stars on the labels of Fermele Moraru products represents a symbol for classifying the products within the range offered by our company, based on the legal characteristics of poultry farming mentioned in Annex V of Regulation 543/2008. This product classification is intended to help the consumer understand the quality difference between the various types of chicken produced by our company, in the absence of legal obligation (similar to egg markings with codes) to label the poultry farming system on the labels according to the legislation and Annex V of Regulation 543/2008. Our company produces chicken meat from birds raised in different legally regulated systems: Standard chicken according to Order ANSVSA no. 30/2010; "Raised in enclosed spaces - extensive system" chickens according to Annex V of Regulation 543/2008 lit. b), "Traditionally raised free-range" chickens according to Annex V of Regulation 543/2008 lit. d). We have classified chicken meat products with 3, 4, and 5 stars according to legislative classification: 3 stars assigned for Standard chicken according to Order ANSVSA no. 30/2010; 4 stars assigned for "Raised in enclosed spaces - extensive system" chickens according to Annex V of Regulation 543/2008 lit. b); 5 stars assigned for "Traditionally raised free-range" chickens according to Annex V of Regulation 543/2008 lit. d). We invite you to consult the comparative table below.

You can find all our locations here.

For returns, please contact us within 14 days of receiving your order. Return shipping is free for defective products.

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Free-range chicken
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